HIPS Staff
Social ServicesThe Social Services department supports people by providing a safe space to shower, launder clothes, attend support groups, access to computers and free wifi, clothing closet and light refreshments at our drop in center at 906 H ST NE. This team provides compassionate mental health support and assists clients in obtaining permanent supportive housing. The Social Services team seeks to address all of the social determinants that are barriers for our clients leading healthy and self determined lives.
Outreach & Community EngagementThe Outreach & Community Engagement department services include a mobile outreach van that runs Mon-Friday from 12pm-6pm and Thu-Sun from 11pm - 5am. This team provides community education to our clients, partners, and facilitates a comprehensive training program that all staff and new volunteers complete at the beginning of their terms of service.
Clinical ServicesThe Clinical Services department supports people over a continuum of health needs.
Administrative OperationsThe Administrative Operations department is lead by HIPS Executive Director. This department manages all fiscal and administrative activities related to HIPS services and programs and ensures compliance with all grants, contracts, and agreements.
Recent News
HIPS officially implements housing navigation program that offers comprehensive mental health support provided by licensed clinical professionals paired with HIPS wrap around support model that empower clients through life skill development, understanding personal finance, job readiness, while addressing mental health needs.
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