InternshipsHIPS is looking for interns to work in various capacities supporting a wide range of projects, services, and activities. Preference is given to students focused on fundraising and development, social justice, public health, gender and women studies, marketing and communications, and graphic design.
Open Volunteer NightsEvery 2nd Wednesday of the month, we host an open Volunteer night. We welcome folks who want to learn more about our work and help out with a project.
VolunteerHIPS is looking for volunteers to support the outreach team on a wide range of projects, services, and activities. HIPS volunteers support HIPS outreach efforts and are crucial to the services we provide our community members. This program accepts new volunteers 3 times per year.
Join our Mailing ListDid you know about our newsletter that details what's going on at HIPS? Sign up today to learn how we are reducing harm and improving lives!
Events HIPS holds monthly events and tables at different partner events throughout the DC metro area. Join us at our next happy hour, speaking engagement, or tabling event to learn more about us and how you can support HIPS and the communities we serve.
Love & Lube! Share us on Social MediaHelp us get out our message, follow us and share on FB @ilovehips or on Twitter @hipsdc or on Instagram @hipsdc or on Tumblr @hipsdc